Guided Walks

Reports/summaries of the walks can be found here:

With over 40 years’ experience as a birdwatcher Mike’s knowledge of birds around Torbay is unparalleled. He leads walks for Naturetrek, Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust & Sharpham Trust (usually during the spring and Summer).

The walks & cruises vary from general natural history walks to walks concentrating on particular bird groups, species or other wildlife; most cater for birdwatchers of any ability. Places are always limited – booking is essential.

NEW  Gift Vouchers: for walks or private tours. Choose a walk or cruise or a voucher amount of your choice.

For more information or to book places go the events pages and scroll through the months at:

You can also book onto Mike’s own walks – places are strictly limited,  booking is essential:

Seabirds and Seafood feast – Guardhouse Café and Berry Head, Brixham

Date: Tuesday 1st October 2024     Times: Start 7.15am prompt until 9.45am approx.

Breakfast served at 9am 

Places are limited for this popular and exclusive event. (3 places left)

Cost: £27 including guided walk, cooked seafood breakfast ordered on the day from England’s Seafood Feast special menu and a drink at the Guardhouse café


A special event in conjunction with the @guardhousecafé  and England’s Seafood Feast festival. Enjoy a guided walk around Berry Head with local expert Mike Langman followed by a fishy breakfast (also choice of vegan and full English breakfasts also available) at the Guardhouse Café. 

By early October the first of the returning winter flock of Guillemots might be back on the cliffs after spending the summer out at sea. Early mornings are the very best time to see them before they head out to sea for the day to feed. Torbay and Lyme Bay can be alive with be seabirds at this time of year – Kittiwakes, Skuas and Shearwaters are some of the species we’ll be looking for. There’s a good chance of seeing Dolphins, and Porpoises and we may even be lucky enough to see the splashes of huge Atlantic Bluefin Tuna further out to sea.

 October is the most exciting month for passing land migrants and can include rare waifs and strays, often tucked into the scrub around the headland or just passing overhead. The various calls, diagnostic behaviour or plumage will be a feature of the mornings walk.

At 9am we’ll head to the Guardhouse café for a fantastic breakfast and drink. Celebrating the English Seafood Feast events 27th Sept- 13th October . There’s a special fish breakfast to be confirmed – vegan or full breakfast options also available We’ll take your orders at the start of the walk.

What to bring: Binoculars, clothing to suit the weather – Berry Head can be surprisingly cold early in the mornings. Please be aware there may still be ticks around so long trousers are recommended. Optional notepad and paper.

Meet beside the picnic benches beside Berry Head National Nature Reserve car park – payment on exit approx. £7 – or free for Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust  members with passes

Click here for map: meeting point

How to book: Directly with your guide Mike Langman by emailing


Date: Friday 11th October, 8am – 10am

A Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust Walk: A unique opportunity to experience nature at its finest. Join us for an immersive experience led by local bird expert Mike Langman.

Hope’s Nose is a popular birdwatching location both for resident and migrating birds. In early October there’s a good chance of migrating thrushes and chats in the scrub.
The sea offers all sorts of possibilities from rare seabirds to passing seaduck or divers which have just returned from their breeding grounds further north and can still be in summer plumage.
The seashore, rocks and islands hold gulls and waders and with a telescope we’ll look for perhaps some Guillemots already back on the cliffs on Orestone Rock.

Meet: Hope’s Nose. Grid reference SX944635
Directions: The best place to park is the top of Ilsham Marine Drive Torquay close to the entrance to Hope’s Nose. Park on road near the entrance to Hope’s nose on Ilsham Marine Drive.

Bring: Binoculars, telescope and tripod (not essential) if you have one, sturdy footwear, warm and waterproof clothing.


Cost: £20 for Non Members and £15 for Members


Click here for map: meeting point


How to book: Directly with Torbay Coast and Countryside:  Booking TCCT Event



Saturday 2nd November, 7.15am – 9:45am (includes time for breakfast starting at 9am)
Location: Berry Head National Nature Reserve


A Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust Walk: A great opportunity to immerse yourself in nature with an informative walk led by local bird expert Mike Langman.

Early November can produce some of the most spectacular overhead movements of birds but only early in the morning. Given the right conditions thousands of birds could be on the move in huge flocks, Redwings and Fieldfare,  freshly arriving back from their breeding grounds of Scandinavia are joined by loose flocks of and Wood Pigeons.

There should be a supporting cast of finches including Brambling, pipits and you just never know what else might turn up, perhaps a passing Ring Ouzel, Short-eared Owl, Merlin or a Woodcock. Mike will guide you through what is going on and help identify these birds by shape and calls.

The early start optimises our chances of witnessing migration at its best. At about 9am after a good morning’s birdwatching we’ll warm ourselves up at the Guardhouse Café with a hearty full breakfast and tea/coffee


Meet: Berry Head National Nature Reserve main car park
Cost: £35 Non Members, £30 Members (Include a delicious cooked breakfast at Guardhouse Café).


Click here for map: meeting point


How to book: Directly with Torbay Coast and Countryside:  Booking TCCT Event

Kingfisher, Clennon Lakes

Wildfowl and Warblers – Clennon Lakes

Monday 18th November          Time: 9.30-11.30am  (FULL)

Additional Walk: Tuesday 19th November    Time: 9.30-11.30am (4 places Left)

£12 adults (members of Friends of Clennon Lakes and under 18’s £8)   Places limited to 11  people, booking essential

Contact Mike for more information or to book a place.

The sheltered lakes in Clennon Valley are home to birds found nowhere else in Torbay. Little Grebe, Teal, Gadwall are regular winter visitors with Snipe and Water Rail skulking in the dense  lake fringes, sometimes something more unusual turns up too.

Being so near to the coast, at sea level and in the relatively mild winter climate of Devon insectivorous warblers are able to survive the winter months. Chiffchaffs that should be in Africa are regularly seen with Goldcrests and Long-tailed Tits. In previous years Firecrests have been found feeding in the willows and ivy and even rare Yellow-browed Warblers have overwintered.

Colourful Kingfishers are everyone’s favourite and the lakes often boast 2-3 birds during the early autumn. With a supporting cast of perhaps Little Egret, Grey Heron and many other wildfowl at close range Clennon is a great place to learn more about their identification and calls.

The event will be cancelled if heavy rain forecast.

What to bring: Sturdy walking shoes or boots, clothing to suit the weather (remember the weather in November can quickly change), binoculars.


Where to Meet: At 9.30am at the entrance to the Torbay Velopark (cycle track) just below  Torbay Leisure Centre car park.

Meeting point »

Contact Mike for more information or to book a place.


Devon Beaver and Wildlife excursions

Mid April until early September – exclusive small groups  

Friend and colleague Chris Townend specialises in walks to see beavers and other wildlife in East Devon:

”We specialise in high quality evening walks to see beavers and full day tours to watch other wildlife in and around East Devon. Our team is based in the beautiful coastal town of Budleigh Salterton situated by the river Otter, in the heart of beaver country! Our lead guide, Chris Townend, has been studying the beaver population on his patch since 2014 and he brings valuable experience gained from running his own successful wildlife watching company, Wise Birding Holidays. We hope to see you soon!” Devon Beavers

Contact Chris for more information or to book a place.